The baby blanket is done. It knitted up surprisingly quickly and the wool ('Zara' by Filatura di crosa) is so lovely and soft. I think the colours worked out well. I used this pattern available on the Purl Bee website. I intend to give this to a colleague who is expecting her first child in July. You can't have too many little woolly blankets for a little Winter baby.
And here are the supplies for my next project purchased from the wonderful The Little Craft Store. It's so nice to have discovered a good craft store not too far from home.
Watching Year of the dog (sad comedy), Half Nelson (Ryan Gosling plays drug addict history teacher), Everything must go (Will Ferrell. Based on Raymond Carver short story) and Seinfeld on DVD + Reading Londoners: the days and nights of London now by Craig Taylor and Sweet peas for summer: how to create a garden in a year by Laetitia Maklouf + Eating quinoa - nutritious and easier to cook on a camp stove than brown rice.