Sunday, August 26, 2012

same but different

This week I finished two more monkeys for the Great Sock Monkey Challenge. I was in a bit of a rush to get them to Wellington to meet the deadline for delivery to the children's hospital. They turned out surprisingly well and, in fact, I think my haste (and lack of fussy perfectionism) gave them a bit more character. Having one ear bigger than the other is cute, right?

I also made some more lavender bags using the bark cloth I bought at Fabric-a-brac. I really love this fabric and these lavender bags that I made for myself. I've put them in my linen cupboard. I still have heaps of lavender left - at least enough for another twenty bags. Eek!

The ceramic bowl was made by Sarah Guppy. We bought it because it reminded us of our lovely Louie. The bowl is beautiful but it makes me sad because I miss Louie so much.

After Watching Under African skies, Listening to Graceland by Paul Simon + Reading Uppercase

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