Saturday, June 21, 2014

the elements of style

I'm a big fan of Maira Kalman and these are some of her illustrations from The elements of style by William Strunk and E. B. White (of Charlotte's web). It was first written by Strunk in 1918 and later revised by White in 1959. Apparently it is the go-to guidebook on writing good, plain English. (Although a quick internet search will show that it is loved and loathed equally.)
I borrowed it from the library after hearing a TED talk - Maira Kalman: the illustrated woman - where she tells how she came to illustrate this book.
I love the dancing guy. He looks so serene and unselfconscious. His socks match his belt. Do you think he's also wearing a polka dot cravat?

Reading: The graphic novel Blankets by Craig Thompson. I hope it's not all true but I think it might be.
Days with my father by Phillip Toledano - a beautiful photo essay recording an aging man's final years. You can see it here.

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