The scarf is finished. It's right in so many ways. It has cables that I love. And because it uses chunky weight yarn and is really only a scarflette or 'neck wrap' it knits up quickly - great for a last minute gift. I used this
free pattern from Kaleidoscope Yarns.

The blocking was brilliant. I'm a convert. I only wish I'd taken a 'before' photo so you could see the difference blocking made. It flattened the scarf out so that it didn't curl in on itself and sort of eased it into its correct dimensions.
This is a birthday gift for my mother - something to keep her warm through the end of winter.

My poor dog has not been well so I stayed home with her today and we had a really nice time. It was such a brilliant day - cold but sunny. She got lots of attention and I got lots of washing dry and even had time for a bit of quilting.
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